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North's Elevator

Welcome to the most impractical homepage of all time! This is an informative website that houses different projects by NorthWestWind, made by NorthWestWind.

Heavily inspired by websites with moving 3D backgrounds. This elevator just takes the idea to the max. Each floor of this website is a different thing made by me. Try going to all of them! However, the site doesn't show everything I made, as creating one floor takes quite a while. If you are interested in looking at my other things, you can browse my GitHub. There is also a very simple portal page where you can find all my social links. This is made using the WebGL library "THREE.js".


Use the arrow buttons to set the floor.
Click on the display to go to that floor.
Click on the sign again to close this.


6/F Gallery
5/F Sheet Musics
4/F Restaurant
3/F Sky Farm
2/F Mods
1/F Info Center



Smooth Scroll


5/F Lowpoly Piano by Keandir is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
4/F desk and pc by linus1178 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
2/F Minecraft Armor Stand with so many animations by trmhtk2 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.
Elevator Music A High Quality Rip by NorthWestWind from original work Swing Door Saloon by Crispin Merrell and Luigi's Casino by Koji Kondo.
THREE.js The amazing WebGL library that made this website possible!

(Scroll down/Zoom in to move out at the floor)
(If you reach the zoom limit, try tapping the screen)
(Press Escape to exit)
(Reload can always fix things)